The association for the development of artistic bookbinding – APPAR –
comes to greet the Ansembourg Museum in Liege.
This Museum was appropriate as it offers a complete panorama of all the arts and craftsmanship. More than a Museum of decorative arts this place representative of an epoch was more than ready to open up to other forms of art.
the most important aspect of this project is the dialogue that will be
made possible between the bindings and the already existing works of the Museum . There is an interplay on an equal basis between the bindings and a ceramic a piece of furniture or a painting .
This spatial setting different from any other traditional form of
bookbinding exhibition offers a new synergy among all the other applied
arts presented in the Museum. This common show of equal value serves
the interest of all the arts and particularly ours to our great delight.
This non conflictual confrontation among past, present and future
reminds us that bookbinding has always been part of the history of
art and has its place among all other forms of art applied or not.