ARA Canada and the École Estienne present 51 design bindings created by French, Canadaian and
American artists and alumni of the École Estienne on a collection of poems by Gilles Vigneault
illustrated by Nastassja Imiolek (an edition of Atelier Cécile Côté, Montreal, Canada 2011).
The ARA members are invited to the exhibition reception in Windgate Gallery, Boston on July 18 from
18 to 20 h.
An online exhibition gallery:
ARA Activities
ARA Canada et l’École Estienne présenteront 51 reliures réalisées par des relieurs français, canadiens
et américains et par d’anciens élèves de l’école, sur un recueil de poèmes de Gilles Vigneault illustrés
par Nastassja Imiolek (Édition de l’atelier Cécile Côté, Montréal, 2011).
Les membres de l’ARA sont invités à l’inauguration dans la Galerie Windgate, Boston le 18 juillet du
18 au 20 h.
Une galerie d'exposition en ligne:
ARA France is organizing the XIth FIRA , in partnership with the city of Nîmes and its renowned Carré d'Art Library, the emblematic place for arts and culture of Nîmes.
FORUM: from 20 to 22 june 2014.
Exhibition from 20 june to 14 september 2014
More detailed programme and registration bulletin for the "Forum days" will be available at the end of january 2014.
See attachments.
CHANGE OF DATES FOR THE VERNISSAGE: Open from saturday 26 April 2014 at 17h00.
It is not unusual that Belgian writers are not known as “Belgian” authors,even in their own country. Therefore, ARA Belgica, in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Wittockiana, decided to enhance the Belgian literary world through its coming event.
The Bibliotheca Wittockiana, renowned for its outstanding standards and know-how with regard to binding techniques, is the ideal place to host such a prestigious collection of classic or contemporary literature.
All literary genres : novels, short stories, essays, poetry, etc... are welcome.
If any doubts, ARA Belgica will help you to identify the Belgian authors.
The bindings
The participants may present one up to three bindings that have never been part of an exhibition or a competition before.
Jansenist bindings will not be accepted.
The bindings will be submitted to an external jury, designated jointly by ARA Belgica and Bibliotheca Wittockiana. Its composition will be released at a later stage.
Its decision will be sovereign and final and will carry out a versatile presentation of authors and kinds of bindings.
In case the demand exceeds the available exhibition space, the jury will have to make an additional selection.
More details see attachments
Belgian writers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Voici le programme de la journée du samedi 22 juin à Lille
1° Villeneuve d’Ascq: Visite de la Bibliothèque du LAM de 10h à 11h30 par Corinne Barbant
Repas à la carte au restaurant du musée
2° Wasquehal, "Porte Latine" à 13h: Démonstration de la taille douce (pointe sèche, gaufrage) et gaufrage typographique par Christine Vandrisse, plasticienne membre ARA Belgica
3° Wambrechies, "Le Mille" à 15h: Démonstration de fabrication de papier végétal par Bruno Lalau, artiste du papier (cf. Art & Métiers du Livre n°271 2009) lid ARA Belgica
Veuillez vous inscrire via avant le 19 juin. Prévoyez un covoiturage.
Le programme en détail :
Bibliothèque du LAM de Villeneuve d'Ascq: La bibliothèque Dominique Bozo rassemble plus de 40.000 ouvrages relatifs à l’art moderne, l’art contemporain et l’art brut. Elle conserve un fonds important de revues ainsi que des fonds d’archives, un fonds multimédia, la photothèque et abrite également le Centre de recherches. Corinne Barbant, diplômée de l’école du Louvre a pris la direction de la bibliothèque. Elle nous montrera la réserve précieuse et des livres d’artiste.
1 Allée du Musée, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Porte Latine de Wasquehal: Atelier pluridisciplinaire couvrant dessin, peinture, sculpture, reliure, calligraphie, installations, gravure, livres d’artiste, croisement dialogue et mise en relation de toutes ces techniques. Christine Vandrisse est plasticienne autodidacte qui créa en 2011 les Editions d'Emérence, spécialisé dans l'autoédition de livres d'artiste (gravure, typographie, reliure, techniques mixtes).
41 avenue de Flandre, 59290 Wasquehal
Le Mille de Wambrechies: Atelier regroupant Virginie Bésengez, céramiste, Julie Bernard, vitrailliste et Marine Place, cinéaste.
1000 rue d’Ypres, 59118 Wambrechies
See pictures on:
. Tel. +33 1 55 43 47 47.
International design binding exhibition on a set book
Quebec City :
From September 27 to October 25 2013, Chrystine-Brouillet Library, 264 Racine, Quebec City, Canada. Monday to Friday from 13h to 20h, Saturday and Sunday from 10h to 17h. Tel. 418 641-6120. www.bibliothequedequebec.qc
Montreal :
From November6, 2013 to February 28, 2014, Myriam et J.-Robert Ouimet Library, HEC Montreal, 3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, Canada. Monday to Thursday from 8h to 22h, Friday from 8h to 21h, Saturday and Sunday from 9h to 17h. Tel. 514 340-6220.
LA COULEUR DU VENT bindings will be online at the end of May
Opening op donderdag 20 december 2012 om 19u.
zie bijlage
Vernissage le jeudi 20décembre 2012 à 19 heures.
Ouverture du lundi au vendredi de 11h30 à 17h. Le jeudi jusqu'aà 19h et le samedi de 10h à 12h.
update 26 june 2011
Still 15 copies of" Escaliers de Québec": 3 / 25 and 12 H.C.
Quebec City boasts nearly 30 sets of outdoor stairs that link the Upper Town with the Lower Town of the Old City. Each stairway has its own name, personality and history. The oldest one is the "Escalier Casse-Cou" ("Neck Breaker Staircase"); it appears on architectural plans dating back to 1660. The longest one is the "Escalier du Cap-Blanc" staircase, leading to the Plaines of Abraham, with its 398 stairs.
A remarquable book, Les escaliers de Québec, was published in 2008 as a joint venture between an author, a designer and a fine press master, to celebrate Quebec’s 400e anniversary. The accordeon book, or leporello, was hand set and printed on Somerset rag paper (250 g) in an edition of 25 copies, numbered 1 to 25, plus 12 hors-commerce copies, numbered 1 to 12. The type is Garamond 14 and Garamond bold 14. Each copy is illustrated by 11 original drawings. This is a truly unique artist book.
ARA-Canada invites bookbinders from all around the world, member and non-member, to purchase a copy of Les escaliers de Québec, and enter the exhibition to be held in fall 2012. Do not wait any longer, the copies will not last long.
More details (Entry Form doc; Identification Form word dc.)
231 participants from 21 countries.
Since ARA's creation in 1982, the prestigious FIRA event has been organized in various countries. After Monaco in 1988, Basel in 1990, Toulouse in 1992, Luxemburg in 1994, Montreal in 1996, Venice in 1999, Athens in 2002, Limoges in 2005, Freiburg (CH) in 2007, it will now be Bruges' turn to be host to the FIRA in 2011. This medieval Belgian city in a country located on the crossroad of Germanic and Latin cultures, has not only a great potential for such a cultural event but offers also a perfect setting which will be enjoyed by the participants.
The FIRA will take place from May 26th until May 29th 2011 and the exhibition will continue until July 7th 2011.
UPDATE 17/05/2011:
Auditorium "Biekorf" instead of "veilinghuis Van De Wiele" English translation
Sint Jacobstraat 20-26 on 27&28 May (10-12.0am)
Friday 27th May:
° 10.00am: Mrs Odette Drapeau, Canada. La reliure au 21ième siècle, défi et innovation
° 11.00am: Mr. Michel Wittock, Belgium. Les attentes des collectionneurs
Saturday 28th May:
° 10.00am: Mr. Norro, Belgium. La problèmatique du matériel de reliure- questions, réponses-
° 11.00am: Mr. Hugo Liesen, Belgium. Le titrage, évolution, réflexion
EXHIBITION " TEN CENTURIES OF BOOKS AND BINDINGS IN BRUGES" by Mr. Ludo Vandamme (Belgian historian, researcher and bibliothecaire in charge of patrimony)
Kuipersstraat 3 (near Grand'Place)
8000 Brugge
tel. 050-47 24 00
fax. 050-34 27 05
Info desk : 050 47 24 36
Opening time:
mo - fr: 9.30 am - 7pm
sa: 9.30am - 5pm*
* in july and august, closing time will be 1pm